I don’t say this figuratively, but literally.
"If a black cat crosses your path it means that you’ll have bad luck." "Step on a crack, you’ll break your mother’s back." These aren’t really superstitions, because we recognize them as such. The real superstitions are the ones that we believe are true. There are certain things about reality that almost all of us know better than to argue with, like gravity. To stand there and insist that gravity change its nature for you, and that things suddenly start to fall upwards… We all agree that is insane, and that people who believe such, should be kept away from cliffs, for their own good. But then our friend says something hurtful and we have the thought that they shouldn’t have done that. This thought is no less insane than the belief that gravity shouldn’t pull downward. Reality doesn’t seem to care what you think it should be. Have you noticed? It just goes on being what it is, despite any and all protestations.
There is a bigger war than the one in Iraq, and It has been going on for longer than any of us can remember. It is the war we wage with reality (when we do) and it will end with our surrender. This war cannot be won. Resistance is futile. Defeat is inevitable and only a matter of time. Ironically, it is in our defeat that our salvation awaits. Love will win. The only thing that remains to be seen is when these imagined identities will surrender.
“Forgiveness is the only sane response.” ~ACIM