A friend recently posted a quote from Loch Kelly:
"When we realize that who we are is formless awareness we begin to lose the fear of death. When this formless awareness realizes it is also form we lose the fear of life."
Here is what came up in response:
Thank you Peter, This mostly matches my experience. In regards to formless awareness realizing that it is also form, while that occurs as true to me, it would be more true of my experience to say that formless awareness realizes that there is actually no form, only the appearance of it. However the resulting fearlessness in regards to “life” is the same.
The big joke is that nothing is significant, because nothing ever happened. It’s all actually empty and means nothing; and it doesn’t mean anything that it’s empty and means nothing. I lived my life as a dramatic tragedy and it transformed into a comedy.
We have learned to worship the intellect and make it the main arbiter of truth. Ironically it is the intellect which often costs us truth. Don’t expect reality to make sense, because what is being examined is larger than the instrument being used to measure. Reality will never fully make sense to the intellect, and it makes sense that it doesn’t make sense. To the intellect this world is upside down and backwards. ‘Might as well get used to it.
~ c a r s o n