Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fear and Control

There are people who would like to control you, and they hold the reigns of government. They know that one of the most effective ways to control people is to scare them. They seek to undermine your sense of security, in order to bolster your fear (thereby increasing their control). These people could be rightly described as terrorists, and the TSA does nothing to track their actions or protect us from them.

The antidote to this fear is not more control. That belief promotes and supports the fear. We've been trying that, in an almost infinite number of iterations, and look where it's gotten us: bloated war debt, bloated health care costs, bloated legal costs, bloated regulatory systems, bloated political system, etc. We are living in an insane asylum.

The antidote is to wake up; to see that who you have believed yourself to be cannot, ultimately, be protected. You were born with a death sentence. It's just a matter of time. But the Being you actually are, cannot be threatened, ever, in any fraction. These words are empty, but the experience which confirms them is full. Once you know who you actually are, then you can relax and let the chips fall where they may, knowing that even though everything which can be perceived is temporary, You are eternally safe.

~ Carson Boyd

Thursday, December 2, 2010

About three years ago I dedicated myself to surrender. My recurring prayer became, please show me what is available in surrender, and beyond my identity. My report is this paid off, big time. I found that as identification subsides, what is here, is simply what is here, and without the obsession to evaluate it, there is complete, unqualified, contentment. The one who would want, is quiet, and miracle of miracles, I find that I already have e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I want. Not that identity never reasserts itself; so far, it does. Maybe I'll be done with that one day. Who knows? Who cares?