Thursday, October 6, 2011

Audio Presentation of this Post
I knew of a man who felt certain that he'd had an experience, connecting with his deceased mother in a post mortem conversation, so to speak. He spoke to her of his regret for the times they didn't get along. He took responsibility for his part in that. He reported that she looked at him, a little puzzled and said, "Huh, all I remember is the love."

Recently a friend of mine expressed that she hadn't always been easy for me to get along with. I responded "All I remember is the love" and in that moment I literally dropped the memory of anything else. I could have found it if I was willing to look. I noticed I had no interest in looking.

Every mistake anyone has ever made is in the past, and the thing I love about the past? It’s over. You want people to notice that you are loving and lovable? Notice that they are loving and lovable. You want to live with happy, loving, spontaneous, self-expressed people? It is easier than we have been led to believe. Just give up any story of their guilt.  Granted, just because you stop believing in it, doesn't guarantee they will, but it is a start.

This may be hard to swallow, but I'm suggesting the possibility that there is no external enemy.  What a thing to believe?  What if another's guilt was never, actually the truth of the matter, but a story, a story that someone made up, and someone else believed in? What if you there were only one story teller, and it was you?  What if an external enemy
 never really existed?  If this world truly is a projection, as many wisdom teachers promise, then the only one who owes anyone an apology is me. Could I be that humble, to fully own that?

And, please, don't believe me.  I'm not saying this is the truth.  I am suggesting these are worthwhile questions for you, to ask you.  I’m inviting you to try this on, see how the world looks from here.  See how life looks from here. You may find something valuable.

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