Monday, March 16, 2009


Once upon a time, on a journey, a shaman encouraged me to remember to ask my questions. The question that arose was an old familiar one that I got from Nisargadatta Maharaj, "Who am I?"

The answer which came was not in the form of words, or even concept, but the direct experience of being the context, the "container" in which Reality has It's ... Read Moreexistence. I suddenly realized that I was the dimension I previously thought I existed within. Or I might say, I am the Awareness, in which Being, Be's.

On a subsequent journey, of a similar nature, I was present to the music I was hearing, being worship. That's not an original idea, of course, but what was new to me was the realization that, yes, music is worship, and the place where this worship takes place is in Awareness... My Awareness...Every sincere song every written was written in hopes that it would be taken into the sacred temple of our awareness, placed before God, and given audience. You're that important.

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